Jumping on the sourdough bandwagon? Let me help.
With so much extra time on our hands these days and a shortage of yeast at the grocery store, many people are trying to bake sourdough, or naturally leavened, bread for the first time. Working with a sourdough starter and using it to create crusty, artisanal loaves is a worthy and soothing endeavor for these scary and confusing times. But it can be intimidating and confusing at first.
I have been baking naturally leavened bread since 2015 and have been teaching other people how to do it in my classes at the Chicago Botanic Garden for the past two years. Today, I am going to share with you everything I teach my students in my hands-on sourdough classes as well as give you a basic recipe for a sourdough boule.
Sourdough Starter
Made with nothing more than flour, water and salt, sourdough bread is leavened by a fermented starter without any added yeast. If you want to tackle making bakery-style sourdough bread at home, your first task is to acquire a starter. Sourdough starter is a ferment made from flour, water and wild yeast from the air. The natural yeast in the starter is what causes the bread to rise.
You can make a starter from scratch with flour, water, and some fruit juice. There are numerous explanations in cookbooks and online of how to do this. However, if you start from scratch, you will need at least a week, and possibly more, to create a starter healthy enough to bake with. But there may be an easier way: part of maintaining a healthy sourdough starter is discarding a portion of the starter before feeding it. That means that anyone you know with a sourdough starter will be happy to give you some of theirs – even during a time of social distracing. Here in Chicago, I have heard that the bakery at Eataly gives away starter if you ask and I am always happy to share mine. Lastly, you can buy a starter online.
Sourdough starters need to be fed with flour and water to stay healthy. To feed your sourdough starter, you add equal amounts of flour and warm water. You want a ratio of 1:4 or 1:5 starter to flour and water. So, for example, if you have 20 grams of starter, add 100 grams of water and 100 grams of flour (I use half whole wheat flour and half all-purpose flour.) Stir that mixture together with your fingers, cover loosely and place it somewhere warm.
After 12 or 16 hours, the starter should be expanded and quite bubbly. But before you start baking with it, test the health of your starter by putting a little in a bowl of water: if it floats, it’s ready. If not, it needs more time and perhaps to be somewhere warmer. This may seem silly, but think of it this way: if the starter isn’t light enough to float in water, how will it make a loaf of bread rise?
You can keep your starter on the counter and feed it daily or keep it in the refrigerator and feed it as little as weekly. How often you should feed your starter depends on how often you want to bake with it and what kind of time you have. The important thing to know is that you need to feed an active starter 12 hours or so before you want to bake with it. For a more dormant starter, it could take longer.
Before you start baking sourdough bread, there are a few pieces of equipment that are worth investing in. One is a kitchen scale. Measuring by weight is far more accurate than measuring by volume. So a digital scale is a very useful piece of equipment to have for all kinds of baking. You will also need a bench scraper for dividing and shaping your loaves. This too is a piece of equipment which has many uses beyond baking bread, such as transferring items from a cutting board to a baking sheet or pan.
Optional equipment includes rattan baskets for proofing the bread. These baskets, which are responsible for the pretty lines on bakery loaves, are called brotform or banneton baskets and are used to support the dough and prevent it from flattening out as it proofs. They come in many shapes and sizes. You can purchase cloth liners for them, or rely on flouring the baskets well to prevent your dough from sticking to the sides.
Also optional, but helpful, is a French tool called a lame, which is an extra-sharp razor that bakers use to slash their loaves prior to baking to release steam. Use the lame to make a plus sign on the top of your loaf, or get creative with different designs, such as a long slash down the middle with a short diagonal slash on either side.
Lastly, you will need something to bake the bread in. Use a vessel with a lid for baking this kind of artisanal loaf because the lid will trap the steam given off by the loaf and mimic a steam-injected professional oven.
Baking with Sourdough
Baking sourdough is a long process. You need to be able to make the dough and work on it periodically over a period of 2 hours, followed by several hours of rise or bulk fermentation; followed by shaping the dough and then proofing it, which I usually do overnight. Instead of kneading the dough, you want to stretch and turn it. In other words, this is a perfect evening, weekend or, you know, global pandemic project.
The results are so worth it. This bread is as good as any you will ever have. Enjoy it plain, slathered with butter, alongside soups and stews, or as the foundation of a sandwich. Every batch comes out a bit different; sometimes more sour; sometimes denser or lighter. That’s the magic of working with a live starter.
A final tip: keep your dough in a warm place during the rising process. Room temperature is not warm enough. Try putting the dough on top of the stove when the oven is on, in a sunny room with the blinds open, or even on top of the radiator. It’s tricky because you don’t want the dough to get too warm either. The ideal temperature is around 76 degrees. If your oven has a “proof” setting, you can use that as well.
Extra Starter
Part of maintaining a sourdough starter is discarding a portion of it every time you feed it. That waste, even it is just of flour and water, can be painful for fastidious cooks. Luckily, there are many recipes that use excess sourdough starter, including for pancakes, waffles and crackers.
- 125 grams healthy sourdough starter (able to pass the "float test”)
- 500 grams filtered water
- 600 grams bread flour
- 100 grams whole wheat flour
- 20 grams fine sea salt
- In a large bowl, combine the sourdough starter with water, preferably filtered or spring water, and mix together.
- Add the flour and mix with your hands, a bench scraper or a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment until all the flour is incorporated, about two minutes. Cover with a clean kitchen towel and allow to rest for 20 minutes. This phase is known as autolyse.
- Add the salt and mix well for five minutes to distribute the salt throughout the dough. You can just your hands or the dough hook of a stand mixer. Cover and allow the dough to rest for 30 minutes.
- Do your first turn: Starting at the top of the bowl, pick up the edge of the dough and stretch it over the rest of the dough in the bowl. Turn the bowl 45 degrees and repeat this stretching and lifting process with the side that is now at the top. Do this two more times so that you have stretched each side of the dough ball. (These four "turns" is how we will build structure in our dough without kneading it.)
- Cover the bowl and place in a warm spot for thirty minutes.
- Repeat the four turns again. Cover and allow to rest for another 30 minutes.
- Repeat this sequence one more time so that you have done the four turns three times, with a thirty minute rest between each turn. By the end, the dough should be elastic enough that you can easily pull one side up high and fold it over the rest of the dough.
- After the third set of turns, allow the dough to rise or ferment, covered, in a warm place until you see bubbles forming on the top. (This can take anywhere from one to several hours depending on how warm the place. If you don’t have time to deal with the dough for a while, you can leave it a cooler place for a slower bulk ferment or even place it in the refrigerator overnight.)
- Shape the loaves: Turn the dough out onto a well-floured board. Gather the sides into the middle and flip over. Use the edge of the scraper to push the dough into a round shape, tucking the edges under. Add more flour to the board or dough as necessary to prevent sticking.
- Allow the loaves to rest for 10 minutes and then shape again by cupping the dough with your hands to round it and tuck the sides under at same last time. You want to create surface tension on the top of the loaf without tearing it.
- Place the shaped loaf top-side down into a well-floured banneton basket OR a lightly oiled bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and proof in a warm place for two to three hours until puffy and when you press it with your finger, the indentation remains. Alternatively, for the best flavor, refrigerate for at least 12 hours and up to 24 hours. (I always proof my loaves overnight in the fridge.)
- To bake, preheat oven to 475.
- Turn out the loaf and place top side up in a lidded baking vessel, such as a ceramic cloche or Dutch oven. If the vessel does not have a dark or nonstick interior, coat the bottom lightly with oil and sprinkle with coarse flour, such as semolina, to prevent sticking.
- Slash the top with a lame to allow steam to escape. You can make a cross or another decorative design, such as a pound sign.
- Cover and bake for 30 minutes until loaf has risen.
- Remove cover and bake an additional 15 minutes or until you achieve the color you desire.
- Turn the loaf out onto a wire rack to cool. Do not cut into it until it has cooled!
- To store your bread, do not wrap it. Allow the crust to develop and adapt. We store ours cut-side down on the cutting board.
- To freeze, wrap well in plastic wrap and then wrap again in foil. Thaw at room temperature wrapped to allow the moisture from the thawing process to be reabsorbed into the bread. Then store unwrapped.